Dessert can be healthy too!

Diet, Sin categoría

I know many of us STRUGGLE when it comes to dieting! OH MY GOSH! It’s hard! It’s like all of the sudden you start having cravings for stuff you never have when you are eating «normal».

I don’t know if it’s a matter of psychology, or if it’s just me and my crazy self, but whenever I try changing the way I eat and treat my body, I want to eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! Specially sweets after lunch!

I will have my vegetables, my protein and a small amount of carbs, accompanied with iced green tea or something like that. You know? Behaving, being a good girl! But then, after finishing it all, it’s like BAM! I want donuts, I want Nutella, I want Life Savers, I want cake, and cookies and flan!

So I was just sitting there, staring at temptation and decided to improvise! So here’s two options you can have for those crazy cravings, and I really hope you like them, because they really have saved my inner eater anxiety.



  • Integral rice
  • Almond Milk
  • Nuts
  • Raisins
  • Chia seeds
  • Sugar supplement ( I used honey, but you can also use other options like Splenda, or Stevia)

No instructions needed! Just prepare the rice and mix it all!!! The secret relies in adding it all as the rice is cooking! It’s delicious and it’s kinda healthy! (Depending on the amounts you eat it of course).

2. Home made Jam!


– This one is up to you! It can be any fruit! I chose berries!

– Sugar supplement (I used honey and Splenda)

– Water

Just put a little water on the stove, together with your fruits and you will see how the fruit starts losing its liquid! Leave it there!

After a few minutes start mashing just as you do potatoes! Once you see the Jammy consistency start adding the sweetener! It will take no longer than 15-20 minutes!!

I hope you enjoy it! I’m on my way to get a toast right this second! Hihi! 💓

I have a great time experimenting in the kitchen! I will probably post more! You should too! What is your favourite dessert?! Maybe I can try doing it in a healthy way! 🤗

Dieting is more fun this way! 🙌🏻